http://ksymvoulia.culture.gr/ Central Archaeological Council (KAS): Examines and gives opinions on issues related to the protection of ancient monuments, archaeological sites and historical sites dating back to 1830
Central Council of Modern Monuments (KSNM): Examines and gives opinions on issues related to the protection of newer monuments and places characterized as historical later 1830
Council of Museums (SM): It is responsible for the principles that govern the museum policy of the state, the establishment and operation of a museum, the lending for the organization of exhibitions in museums and generally gives an opinion on any issue related to museums and is referred to it.
Special Body KAS - KSNM: Gives an opinion on the designation as a monument of property before the last 100 years or after the last 100 years with special architecture, urban, social, ethnological, folklore, technical, industrial, or in general historical, artistic, scientific or scientific which is located in an archeological site or on an ancient site without revoking their protection.
Submitting a request for representation to a Council
Submitting a request for copies of Minutes – Opinions to a Council