Baths – Hotels
In the area outside the east extension of the wall which was considerably reinforced in Roman times, there are preserved remains of buildings of the same period. Their use is associated with serving the needs of the large number of worshippers who gathered in the Sanctuary.
Remains of bath installations with underfloor heating system (suspensurae) are visible to the southeast of the Fountain of the Roman Court: this is a low underfloor space with rows of clay pillars that support the paved with ceramic slabs floor. In this space circulated hot air that was provided by a burning furnace (praefurnium) and in this way the floors of the overlying rooms were heated.
The Thermae, as these installations are known, had rooms of cold (frigidarium), warm (tepidarium) and hot (caldarium) bath, for the body to gradually adjust from the temperature of cold bath to that of the hot one and vice versa. The complex of Thermae included also spaces for entertainment, well-being and social interaction.
The edifices in the area south of the Thermae, due to their layout and archaeological finds, have been interpreted as Hotels that accommodated the worshippers during their short stay for attending the performance of the Eleusinian Mysteries.