Bouleuterion (Council House)
It is situated in the southeast corner of the Lycourgean enclosure, in the south court of the Telesterion. There are preserved the foundations of a rectangular building of the 4th cent. BC which has been identified with the Bouleuterion, in which the Sacred Senate probably assembled.
It consists of three chambers, the middle one was semicircular at the rear end. On its façade votive stelae were erected in honour of individuals who had offered services to the Sanctuary.
In Roman times this edifice was replaced by a portico, of which today the platform for the columns is visible.
To a second edifice, of the same or later period, belong the remains of two concentric semicircles over the central and west chamber of the Bouleuterion of the 4th cent. BC. The inner semicircle was stepped, while the outer one had a façade with two pilasters flanking five columns in the middle.
This is a building in the form of odeon which probably was used as Bouleuterion in the Roman period. Two pedestals for statues that are preserved at the ends of the inner semicircle are obviously later additions to its façade.